Axie Infinity (AXS) has garnered significant attention as a leading player in the blockchain gaming industry. With its unique play-to-earn...
The Hideout, introduced in early snapshots, serves as the player's pre-game area for forming squads, showcasing stashes, and socializing. The redesigned Hideout will be reintroduced to support new game features, including vehicles, vendors, and displays.
In response, Midnight Society initiated its own internal investigation into Beahm’s conduct. Following the investigation, the studio announced today that it has...
gameplay of an extraction shooter. Players compete for the best drops or try to extract with their life and gear.
Johnny Mack, Strategic Partnership Developer at TURBO, commented: “This collaboration is a significant step in digital gaming and enhances TURBO's branding and market presence, aligning it with Animoca Brands' expertise in web3. The integration of TURBO in Motorverse will enhance user engagement and create unique gaming experiences by expanding the utility of the TURBO token.”